
Display Name

Sreeja Gangadharan P

Primary Phone No.


First Name


Last Name




Date of Birth

March 6, 1989

Practice Details


English Hindi Malayalam

Primary Specialisation

School Psychologist

Session Conducted

In Person

Age Groups I work with

06 to 10 (Children) 11 to 13 (Preteens) 13 to 19 (Adolescents and Teenagers)

Issues I work with

ADHD Asperger's Syndrome Autism Behavioural Issues Career Counselling

Therapeutic Approaches I use

Applied Behavioral Analysis Art Therapy Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) Play Therapy

Experience (in Years)


Share details regarding your past experience

I am an academician for the past five years. I teach graduates and Undergraduates. I worked as an Assistant Professor In CHRIST Deemed to be University and Jain Bengaluru. Currently I am working as an Assistant Professor in  Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth Kerala.

Before coming to Academics I worked in clinics and schools as a practicing psychologist for a brief period.

Additional Information

  • Phd in Health Psychology- Prenatal maternal stress from University of Delhi, 2020
Certifications Additional details about certification not yet added or under review
Awards No details about awards have been added

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