Display Name | Vishal H Shah |
Primary Phone No. | |
First Name | Vishal |
Last Name | Shah |
Gender | |
Date of Birth | October 10, 1979 |
Brief Bio | Qualified as M.A. in Clinical Psychology. |
Practice Details
Language | English |
Primary Specialisation | |
Session Conducted | |
First Consultation | |
Per Session Fee (in Indian Rupees) | 300 |
Primary Location | Ahmedabad Gujarat India |
Age Groups I work with | 13 to 19 (Adolescents and Teenagers) 19 to 35 (Young Adults) 36 to 65 (Middle Age) |
Issues I work with | Addiction (Gambling) Addiction (Internet) Addiction (Smoking) Addiction (Video Game) Anger Anxiety Borderline Personality Intellectual Disability Learning Disabilities Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) |
Therapeutic Approaches I use | Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) Positive Psychology |
Experience (in Years) |
Additional Information
Education |
Certifications | Additional details about certification not yet added or under review |
Awards | No details about awards have been added |