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Embrace Self-Love: Break Free from Seeking Validation

Nidhi Pandey

Maria is a 32-year-old woman who has struggled with low self-esteem and self-worth for most of her life. She has often found herself seeking validation and approval from others, leading to unhealthy relationships and a lack of fulfilment. Striving to gain the acceptance of those around her, she lost sight of her true self and the values that should define her journey. In her quest for external validation, she neglected to acknowledge her own worth and overlooked the significance of self-love and self-acceptance. This constant need for approval left her vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation, as she allowed others to dictate her self-esteem and happiness.

Interestingly, Maria is not one of her kind. According to the headline of an article published in, “1 in 2 women worldwide feel more self doubt than self love”.  But if people like Maria decide to stand up for their happiness, they can easily change such data and the world would be a better place to live in. Hence, in this article on self-love, we delve into the transformative journey of Maria which serves as a poignant case study illustrating the significance of self-love in breaking free from the vicious cycle of external validation.

Self-love refers to having a positive and caring relationship with oneself. It involves treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and acceptance, and prioritizing your own well-being and happiness. Self-love is about recognizing your worth, embracing your strengths and weaknesses, and nurturing your physical, emotional, and mental needs.

Through Maria’s experiences, we explore the power of self-love as the antidote to seeking external approval. We discuss how embracing self-love can initiate a profound shift in perspective, empowering individuals to recognize their inherent value and worthiness. By reconnecting with their authentic selves and cultivating self-compassion, individuals can develop a strong sense of self-awareness and self-assurance, allowing them to navigate relationships with greater discernment and confidence.

Phase 1: Self-Awareness and Acceptance

Maria begins her journey by developing self-awareness and acknowledging her negative self-perception. She explores her past experiences, childhood upbringing, and societal influences that may have contributed to her low self-esteem. Through therapy and self-reflection, Maria learns to accept and embrace her flaws, understanding that they do not define her worth as a person.

Phase 2: Self-Care and Nurturing

Maria realizes the importance of prioritizing her well-being and begins incorporating self-care practices into her daily routine. She engages in activities that bring her joy and fulfilment, such as regular exercise, meditation, and pursuing her hobbies. Maria also learns to set boundaries in her relationships and work-life balance, allowing herself the time and space to recharge and focus on her needs.

Phase 3: Challenging Limiting Beliefs

Maria actively works on challenging the negative beliefs she has held about herself for so long. She replaces self-criticism with self-compassion and reframes her thoughts to be more positive and empowering. Maria engages in affirmations and positive self-talk to reinforce her self-worth and value.

Phase 4: Building Healthy Relationships

As Maria ‘s self-love grows, she becomes more discerning about the relationships she engages in. She seeks out supportive and uplifting connections that align with her values and encourage her growth. Maria learns to communicate her needs and boundaries assertively, fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships with others.

Phase 5: Embracing Authenticity

Maria discovers the importance of embracing her authentic self. She lets go of societal expectations and the need for external validation. Maria understands that being true to herself and living in alignment with her values brings a sense of fulfilment and inner peace.

Phase 6: Celebrating Personal Growth

Throughout her journey, Maria celebrates her personal growth and achievements. She recognizes that self-love is an ongoing process and that setbacks may occur. However, Maria has developed resilience and the ability to navigate challenges with self-compassion and self-care.


Through her commitment to self-love, Maria experiences a significant transformation in her life. She develops a deep sense of self-worth and confidence, no longer relying on external validation. Maria builds healthier and more fulfilling relationships, as she no longer tolerates toxic or one-sided dynamics. She finds joy and fulfilment in embracing her authentic self and living in alignment with her values. Overall, Maria’s journey to self-love has empowered her to live a more meaningful and contented life.

Self-love is not selfish or narcissistic; it is an essential aspect of overall well-being. When you cultivate self-love, you are better equipped to build healthy relationships, make choices that align with your values, and navigate life’s challenges with resilience and self-compassion. It is an ongoing practice that requires self-awareness, self-reflection, and intentional care for yourself.

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Nidhi Pandey
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Counselling psychologist and a Cognitive Hypnotic Coach, with experience in guiding people with their marriage or relationship problems, parents in bringing up their children, and individuals having issues with themselves like stress, anxiety, self-esteem, goal setting etc. I run my own online practice under the name of Rewirewithnidhi and look at creating happiness for as many individuals as possible.

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