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Normal Hypnotherapy Vs C.H.C.P


We, humans, are a composite bundle of Thoughts, Emotions and  Behaviours. 

The thoughts are like tides that cause the emotions to swell within us,  like big and small waves of the sea. It is when these waves become less and less turbulent that more and more clarity and calmness emanates inside of us. 

There are several processes that strive to bring in this steady calmness by releasing this turbulence, to name  a few like Hypnotherapy.

To begin with let’s begin understand the term Hypnotherapy.

What is Hypnotherapy? 

Hypnotherapy in very simple terms is a conglomeration of Hypnosis and Therapy or can be understood as Hypnosis used for Therapeutic purposes.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis can further be explained as a process, that leads the human body and mind into a state of being/condition that highly increases the individual’s awareness and focused attention to any kind of suggestion that may be given to them externally by the concerned practitioner.

The subject though in a trance like state is highly in control of the situation and can choose to be accepting or not accepting of the suggestions being given. Hypnosis helps the subject feel an enhanced sense of suggestibility through imagery, sounds, sensation or even movement just like a guided meditative or relaxation process.

Hypnosis as a process is used in the treatment of several psychosomatic and psychological issues that an individual may be facing and is seeking a solution for. Some of the common concerns that are addressed through this process are: – physical pains like stomach aches, headaches; mental ailments like depression, anxieties, fears and phobias; stresses; habitual inconsistencies like addictions and relapses and many more troubling conditions.

Relationship between Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis:

Now that we have a brief overview of Hypnosis, it will be easy to understand Hypnotherapy as the therapy which uses Hypnosis as a medium of cure. Hypnotherapy uses this heightened state of suggestibility and acceptance by the subject’s mind as a tool to create space for remedy and cure.

Though both Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are used synonymously, there is a fine line that separates the two – Hypnosis being the suggestive state of the mind and Hypnotherapy being the therapeutic version of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is an intervention on the Mind-Body plane of the individual, by the practitioner, making an effort to create a solution to his /her problems related to either the body or the mind or both.

Now that we are clear on the real concept of Hypnotherapy, let us understand:

What is Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching & Psychotherapy?

Breaking it down,                                                                                                                                                                 

Cognitive means all activities relating to the mind like perception, memory, recall, thinking etc.   

Hypnotic implies relating to the process of Hypnosis.                                                                   

Coaching refers to the act of hand holding the concerned seeker towards the desired outcome/objective by a certified practitioner using well designed tools techniques.                         

Psychotherapy also called Talk Therapy stands for the treatment of psychological/mental health problems by means of talking with a certified Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Psychologist or Mental Health Practitioner.

Hence, Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching & Psychotherapy is an umbrella term for a set of processes, procedures, tools, techniques and mechanisms to identify, understand, accept and remedy any current existing mental health issue faced by an individual towards a more desirable outcome or result.


ICHARS i.e., The Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences offers the most Comprehensive and Structured course in Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching and Psychotherapy. 

The C.H.C.P module at ICHARS is an Eclectic Ensemble of many important and executional processes that are not only are a complete means to a desirable objective when used individually but also seamlessly blend into other processes that may be the need of the Therapy Session.

To put it very simply, the C.H.C.P course enables the practitioner to effectively plan out the entire session with the client beginning from the point of the Current Situation/Problem as expressed by the client to the ultimate Desired Outcome/ Result.

The C.H.C.P course serves as a combined approach to the discipline of Psychotherapy as it integrates the most significant, practical and widely acclaimed theories of psychology vis a vis COGNITIVE, BEHAVIOURAL, HUMANISTIC, PSYCHODYNAMICS along with incorporating techniques from Hypnosis, N.L.P (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Mindfulness, Metaphors and many more such well experimented techniques.


The consequence of having a multi-dimensional and multi-inter-disciplinary approach as the C.H.C.P, towards psychotherapy, is deriving the best of all worlds. Individually, most of these processes are not equipped to singularly address all concerns ranging across the physical, mental, emotional or social fabric of an individual.

For example:

  • the Cognitive Approach is more focused on ‘Thoughts’
  • the Behavioural Approach is more in tune with ‘Behaviours’ & ‘Emotions’
  • the Humanistic Approach is  more ‘Individualistic’ whereas
  • the Psychodynamic Approach  has more to do with ‘Suppressed Memories and Desires’.

So, as we can see, the CHCP is the one stop answer to an overall complete Diagnostic and Therapeutic Change.

C.H.C.P & Hypnosis:

However, the complete effectiveness of this integrated approach is based on the most important principle of Hyper suggestibility achievable through Hypnosis.

Hyper suggestibility can be defined as the heightened or enhanced state of the mind to accept suggestions. Since the Conscious Mind has a tendency to get distracted and defensive with regards to any aspect during the therapy and can interfere with the mending process despite the willingness of the Unconscious/ Subconscious Mind, Hypnosis is the answer to this.

It will be safe to say that Hypnosis is the underlying principle that unifies the eclectic framework of CHCP.

Hypnosis helps induce a state of hyper suggestibility in the clients thereby enabling them to reduce their external/ peripheral distractions and move into a deeper, sharper, enhanced and more focused state of mind. In such a state, the mind is open to any kind of a suggestive change that the client desires to bring into their life. These suggestions are given by the practitioner administering the process and are based on the thoughts, emotions, ideas and desires as expressed by the client to the therapist in the introductory/ rapport building meet.

There is no question of the therapist providing suggestions to the client that could be detrimental to the wishes of the client as these have been enlisted, discussed and agreed upon before the actual administration of Hypnosis. This busts the myth of Hypnosis being a controlling exercise.

By virtue of using Hypnosis, a oneness of the Conscious and the Subconscious is established devoid of any internal conflict or resistance and a sustainable change as desired by the client is achieved by running an integrated process of different techniques belonging to diverse schools of thought.


All the steps below are taken to procure information from the client by the therapist using the Meta Model style of Q&A

  • Identifying the problem at hand that needs the resolution.
  • Identifying the desired outcome/objective w.r.t the problem.
  • Identifying a possible future where the desired outcome has been achieved and visualising its impact on all aspects of the current life.
  • Having visualised a favourable future in the backdrop of the realised objective, working out the steps that would require to be undertaken to make the desired future a current reality. Preparing a comprehensive and detailed task list to keep a track of the progress with time.  
  • The tasks at hand could be addressed according to the levels that demand attention like: current thoughts, emotions, beliefs, behaviours, repressed feelings, past experiences – to name a few
  • Separate procedures are adopted and followed as per the need of the session and the client. Integrating of numerous approaches and techniques could take place simultaneously as a combination or one after the other singularly as per the requirement.  
  • As and when the changes start taking place at the sub conscious level in a hyper suggestible state of the client, the individual shall experience steady and sustainable changes in the current lifestyle thereby bringing him closer towards the desired objective stated.


  • C.H.C.P works hand in glove with the client’s needs and can be tailored to meet their requirements. An intervention is sought simultaneously at all levels of the client’s personality. This helps encounter whatever shows up in the rapport building session with the client. 

  • Rather than diving straight into one main process, mechanisms like the Meta Model, Conversational Hypnosis, Metaphors, NLP techniques and many such approaches are used  to establish a common ground between  the client and the therapist as a result of which an amicable journey is felicitated to reach the desired outcome.

  •  For example, Metaphors enable a client to think creatively and explore the possibilities of the desired future rather than the therapist feeding the suggestions. 

  • C.H.C.P is more client centric and is able to customize the entire plan of action using the seamless transition of techniques from one to the other as per the client’s needs and the client is free to change course from one issue at hand to a more pressing issue if need be.

  • C.H.C.P is like a flashlight that empowers the client to unravel, construct and follow their own milestones which are logically and realistically achievable.

  • .C.H.C.P is non- judgmental in its deliverance and doesn’t follow any kind of labelling but takes cues from presenting symptoms and problems being faced by the client.

  • C.H.C.P comprises a multitude of tools and techniques that can be classified into Diagnostic and Change Processes. A brief overview can be seen below. 

Diagnostic Processes: 

 can be defined as the instruments of uncovering, identifying and recognising those elements that are found to be a part of one’s subconscious systems that could be a source of certain problems or issues that the client may be experiencing as a presenting symptom on the conscious level. These could be anything ranging from psycho-somatic issues, troubling thoughts, emotional instabilities, certain beliefs, past memories, repressed thoughts and feelings and other kinds of  stumbling blocks that hamper the normalcy of the client’s life. 

To name just a few Diagnostic Processes:-

  1. Metaphors :  like Abstract Metaphors, Revelation Metaphors, Introspection Metaphors

  2. Dream Analysis

  3. SOFT SEA Model

  4. Meta Model

  5. Accessing Cues                                                                    and many more such processes. 

Change Processes

can be defined as tools that bring about the desired transformation within the client by means of understanding and accepting the problem present  (that has been diagnosed using the above tools) and applying the necessary tweaks, replacements or bargains to bring about the evolution.   

Some of the change processes that are followed can be enlisted as below:

  1. Anchoring

  2. When-Then

  3. Levels Of Transformation

  4. Metaphors like Transformational Metaphor, Release Metaphor

  5. Swish, Wush, Belief Change                                                                and many more such processes.

 Hence, it will be safe to conclude that the COGNITIVE HYPNOTIC COACHING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY/ CHCP module is a means to establishing an empathetic understanding between the Therapist and the Client as a result of which the clients  feel Understood, Comfortable and Optimistic about a desired future that is Achievable and Self-designed. It enables the Therapist to gain the Client’s Trust and Confidence and the client to gain a sense of Self Empowerment and real found happiness. . 

With these markers, the road from the CURRENT SITUATION to making the change for the DESIRED OUTCOME  is sustainable, satisfiable and empowering not only for the Client but also for the Therapist.

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Having spent my life years in work profiles ranging from being crew for an international airline to enjoying a brief teacher/ trainer stint in educational institutions, I chose to spend a major portion of my life being a stay at home parent. I have always been intrigued by the diversity in human nature and perceptions for which I pursued M.A (Clinical Psychology) and followed it up by an elaborately structured course in Cognitive Hypnosis and Psychotherapy at ICHARS. My introspections over the last couple of years or more have enlightened and empowered me on an individual level which I am consciously enabling others to experience as well with success. Looking forward to being a 'Clarity Catalyst Coach Cum Therapist' and Chancing upon a 'Conscious Change by Choice'.

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